Dear friend, 

Visualize a tent, an inviting beacon standing alone in the vast expanse of the desert, its welcoming light reaching out to all who pass by. The flaps are open on all sides, and inside one can glimpse an array of colorful comfortable pillows surrounding a feast fit for a king. 

The story of our forefather Avraham’s tent, a beacon of acceptance and love, is something that I often reflect upon when I think of the Sola Jewish Community Center. As our sages tell us, Avraham’s tent was unique. Open from all sides, it was a refuge in the desert, welcoming everyone regardless of their origin. 

Avraham and his wife Sarah took great pleasure in nourishing their guests not just with food and hospitality, but with a sense of purpose and connection to the divine.

It wasn’t long before Avraham’s tent became known throughout the land as a place where one could not only rest and nourish their bodies but their souls as well. 

In many ways Sola already brings that atmosphere, that spirit, into our modern world, right here in Los Angeles. Like Avraham’s Tent, Sola is a place where every Jew, Ashkenaz, Sephardic, observant, non-observant - feels at home.

Where everyone is encouraged to grow, learn, question, and become a fuller version of themselves.

But the tent is getting crowded. 

Our current center is brimming with joyous, engaged, and energized individuals. It is a testament to our success, but it also signifies the need to take things further.

What we need is not just a bigger building. What we need is a Community Center.

One that not only embodies the openness of Avraham’s tent, but also the tranquility of Gan Eiden. A place that’s not just open to every Jew, but is also filled with the resources that make it easier for every Jew to connect with the divine. 

Resources like the Chabad/Ashkenaz and Sephardic Minyanim, a Jewish Montessori school, a Singles Tent, a Mikvah and a larger space for Simchas and learning.

We need your support to bring this vision of Sola down to earth.

In the merit of Avraham Avinu, let’s embark on this journey together, hand in hand. 

Let’s ensure that the openness of Sola, LA’s modern-day Avraham’s tent, continues to flourish and touch more lives. Let’s ensure that every individual seeking a community, seeking answers, and seeking G-d, has a place to go and room to grow.

Let’s not just build a bigger tent. 

Let’s build a Garden. 

Let’s build Sola. 

Rabbi Avraham Zajac