We Have Too Many Sephardim

Bathed in the rich tradition and wisdom of Sephardic roots, our Sephardic Minyan isn’t just a gathering; it’s a vibrant mosaic of diverse voices, experiences, and aspirations united under the spirit of Sephardic heritage.

Every melody, every prayer, every shared moment adds to an orchestra of joy and warmth that reverberates throughout the entire Sola community. 

Apparently, word has gotten out in the Sephardic community. Every Shabbos we are welcoming more and more joy-filled Sephardic souls into our community. 

To house this growing spiritual sanctuary, Sola has had to build a temporary tent in the back of our current space. It’s as beautiful and unique and special as it sounds. But it’s also getting crowded. Especially when the Chabad minyan joins it for Mussaf. 

Our thriving Sephardic community yearns for more space to flourish. Help us ensure that every voice finds its place in our harmonious chorus. Help us build a Jewish community center.