We Have Too Many Miles To Walk To A Mikvah

According to Jewish law, if a Jewish community has to choose between buying a Torah or building a Mikvah they are mandated to build a Mikvah. 

There is a particular sanctity and unity in the Jewish community that is nurtured by the Mikvah, a reservoir of purity and renewal, a sacred space that profoundly contributes to Jewish marital and spiritual life.

However, as more and more young couples and families move east of Pico-Robertson to be closer to SOLA we find ourselves with a sensitive predicament: 

The closest Mikvah is far, not to mention crowded. And for women who have to walk to the Mikvah on Friday night or Jewish holidays, it’s potentially also dangerous.  Our dream is to provide a Mikvah right at the heart of our community, easily accessible and offering the privacy, security, and tranquility required of the Mitzvah.  

Help us make the journey shorter, safer, and more spiritually fulfilling for our community and for Jewish families living east of Pico-Robertson. 

Help us build a sanctuary that facilitates growth, fosters unity, and enables our community members to observe their faith with comfort, dignity, and peace. 

Help us bring the Mitzvah of Mikvah closer to home. Help us build a Jewish Community Center.